Thank you for supporting the Mayne Island Food Bank!  

The financial support of our donors enables us to continue our food programs.  Every dollar donated is multiplied three times when we work with our food suppliers to purchase items for our clients.

If you are able to consider making a monthly gift, we appreciate it!  Your consistent, ongoing support enables us to create and implement long term plans and ensures the ongoing survival of our community pantry.

If you would like to donate food, there are donations bins located at three of the grocery stores on Mayne – Tru Value, the Trading Post and the Farmgate Store.  We accept all non-perishables and especially appreciate donations of the following items:

Pasta (canned or dry)
Pasta sauce
Canned meats and fish
Nut butters and alternatives
Canned goods – soups, stews, beans, vegetables, fruit
Whole grain cereals
Coffee!!!  Coffee coffee coffee!!!!!!

Donations of perishable food can be accepted at the Paddy Lambert Memorial Hall on Thursdays between 9am-1pm, or by appointment.

A huge thank you to all of our supporters!

Donations can be made electronically through PayPal or through Canada Helps by clicking one of the the buttons below.

Cheques can be mailed to the Mayne Island Food Bank at 520C Felix Jack Road, Mayne Island, BC, V0N 2J2.

Thank you for your support!